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Toate Episoadele
1 Sezonul 1 Aug. 03, 2020
Video trailer
The Deceived Online Subtitrat in Romana - a avut prima data premiera pe data de 2020-08-03. Intra si vizioneaza acest serial la calitate HD, fara reclame, cu multiple surse de vizionare. Vizionarea acestui serial este complet gratuita.
English student Ophelia falls in love with her married lecturer, seeing in him all the answers to her needs. When their affair is interrupted by a shocking and tragic death, Ophelia finds herself trapped in a world where she can no longer trust her own mind.
Titlul Original al Serialului The Deceived
Data Aparitiei Aug. 03, 2020
Data Aparitiei ultimului episod Aug. 04, 2020
Numar Sezoane 1
Numar Episoade 4